What's New

[2024.09] Our paper Cracking the Code of Juxtaposition has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024 as an Oral!
[2024.09] We have one paper accepted by EMNLP 2024.
[2024.08] I recieved the Teaching Award from the Department of Computer and Data Sciences at CWRU.
[2024.07] One paper on 3D scene editing has been accepted by ACM MM 2024.
[2024.07] Our paper on argument generation has been accepted by INLG 2024 (Oral).
[2023.09] Our paper on deepfake detection has been accepted by ICDM 2023.
[2023.05] I will be joining the Department of Computer and Data Science at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor from Fall 2023!
[2023.04] We will organize The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG) at ICCV 2023.
[2023.04] I received the Dissertation Completion Fellowship from Northeastern University.
[2023.02] One paper on 3D face animation has been accepted by CVPR 2023. The website of this work is on-line at "NeRFInvertor".
[2022.12] Two papers accepted by IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP)!
[2022.07] One paper accepted by ACM MM 2022!
[2022.03] One paper has been accepted by ACM ICMR 2022.
[2022.02] This summer, I will be interning at Microsoft again, working on NeRF models for face animation!
[2021.12] Our paper has been accepted by SDM 2022.
[2021.07] One paper has been accepted by ACM MM 2021 .
[2021.02] I will be joining Microsoft this summer as a research intern focusing on image editing!
[2020.12] Our paper has been accepted by SDM 2021.
[2020.05] Our paper has been accepted by ICDM 2020.
[2020.01] I will be working as a research intern in Zillow's CV group, focusing on floorplan generation to benefit 3D vitual home tours!
[2020.03] We release the code for DA-GAN (accepted by FG 2020) at Github_DA-GAN.
[2020.03] Our paper has been accepted by FG 2020.
[2019.12] We release the code for JASRNet (accepted by AAAI 2020) at Github_JASRNet.
[2019.11] Our paper has been accepted by AAAI 2020.
[...] More

Openings: I am continuously looking for highly-motivated Ph.D., Master students and Interns to work on machine learning, computer vision and generative models. Please send me your CV if interested.


I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer & Data Science at Case Western Reserve University. Before that I received my PH.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Northeastern University in Aug. 2023. During this time, I was under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Yun (Raymond) Fu in the SMILE Lab. I received my master degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Northeastern University in Dec. 2018, and B.E degree from School of Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, China, in Jul. 2016. From Fall 2016, I was a member of the Augmented Cogniton (AClab), under the supervision of Prof. Sarah Ostadabbas. My research interest broadly includes visual synthesis and understanding, multi-modality fusion, and transfer learning. My recent research topics lie in unified representation learning, 3d modeling and animation, and a wide range of computer vision applications, including image synthesis, 3D novel-view synthesis, face restoration, forensics detection, 3D model generation and rendering, etc.



  • Serve as Instructor
    • Instructor of Computer Vision course (CSDS 465), Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2024 Spring & Fall
    • Instructor of Deep Generative Models course (CSDS 600), Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2023 Fall
    • Instructor of Data Visualization course (EECE 5642), Northeastern University, USA, 2021 Spring
  • Serve as Teaching Assistance
    • TA of EECE 5642 - Data visualization, Northeastern University, 2022 & 2023 Spring
    • TA of EECE 5639 - Computer Vision, Northeastern University, 2018 Fall


    • Towards Open-set Face Anti-spoofing with Unseen Presentation Attack Synthesis
    • Unlocking Varied Perspectives: A Persona-Based Multi-Agent Framework with Debate-Driven Text Planning for Argument Generation
    • Dynamic Self-Distillation via Previous Mini-batches for Pre-trained Language Models
    Conferences & Journals
    • Cracking the Code of Juxtaposition: Can AI Models Understand the Humorous Contradictions
      Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024 (Oral)
      Zhe Hu*, Tuo Liang*, Jing Li, Yiren Lu, Yunlai Zhou, Yiran Qiao, Jing Ma, and Yu Yin
      (*co-first author)
    • View-consistent Object Removal in Radiance Fields
      ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024
      Yiren Lu, Jing Ma, and Yu Yin
    • VIVA: A Benchmark for Vision-Grounded Decision-Making with Human Values,
      Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2024
      Zhe Hu, Yixiao Ren, Jing Li, and Yu Yin
    • AMERICANO: Argument Generation with Discourse-driven Decomposition and Multi-agent Interaction,
      International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG), 2024 (Oral)
      Zhe Hu, Hou Pong Chan, and Yu Yin
Concentric Ring Loss for Face Forgery Detection

Yu Yin, Yue Bai, Yizhou Wang, and Yun Fu
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2023
Abstract Paper
NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-shot Real Image Animation

Yu Yin, Kamran Ghasedi, HsiangTao Wu, Jiaolong Yang, Xin Tong, and Yun Fu
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2023
Abstract Paper arXiv Webpage Demo Code
Expanding the Latent Space of StyleGAN for Real Face Editing

Yu Yin, Kamran Ghasedi, HsiangTao Wu, Jiaolong Yang, Xin Tong, and Yun Fu
Under review, 2022
Abstract arXiv
Multimodal In-bed 3D Pose and Shape Estimation under the Blankets

Yu Yin, Joseph P. Robinson, and Yun Fu
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2022
Abstract Paper
Generating Topological Structure of Floorplans from Room Attributes

Yu Yin, Will Hutchcroft, Naji Khosravan, Ivaylo Boyadzhiev, Yun Fu, and Sing Bing Kang
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ACM ICMR), 2022
Abstract Paper Presentation
Semi-supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning

Can Qin, Lichen Wang, Qianqian Ma, Yu Yin, Huan Wang, and Yun Fu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022
Abstract Paper Code
Human Motion Segmentation via Velocity-Sensitive Dual-Side Auto-Encoder

Yue Bai, Lichen Wang, Yunyu Liu, Yu Yin, Hang Di, and Yun Fu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022
Abstract Paper
Collaborative Attention Mechanism for Multi-Modal Time Series Classification

Yue Bai, Zhiqiang Tao, Lichen Wang, Sheng Li, Yu Yin, and Yun Fu
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2022
Abstract Paper
SuperFront: From Low-resolution Image to High-resolution Frontal Face Sythesis

Yu Yin, Joseph P. Robinson, Songyao Jiang, Yue Bai, Can Qin, and Yun Fu
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021
Abstract Paper Code Supplements
Opposite Structure Learning for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation

Can Qin, Lichen Wang, Qianqian Ma, Yu Yin, Huan Wang, and Yun Fu
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2021
Abstract Paper Code
Dual-Attention GAN for Large-Pose Face Frontalization

Yu Yin, Songyao Jiang, Joseph P. Robinson, and Yun Fu
IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2020
Abstract Paper Paper Code Presentation
Joint Super-Resolution and Alignment of Tiny Faces

Yu Yin, Joseph P. Robinson, Yulun Zhang, and Yun Fu
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020
Abstract Paper Code
Dual-Side Auto-Encoder for High-Dimensional Time Series Segmentation

Yue Bai, Lichen Wang, Yunyu Liu, Yu Yin, and Yun Fu
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2020
Abstract Paper
Facial Expression and Peripheral Physiology Fusion to Decode Individualized Affective Experience

Yu Yin, Mohsen Nabian, Miolin Fan, ChunAn Chou, Maria Gendron, and Sarah Ostadabbas
Affective Computing Workshop of the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI Workshop), 2018
Abstract arXiv Code Demo Slides
A Biosignal-Specific Processing Tool for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition

Yu Yin*, Mohsen Nabian*, Athena Nouhi*, and Sarah Ostadabbas
(* equal contribution)
IEEE-NIH Special Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies (HI-POCT), 2017
Abstract PDF Matlab Code Poster
In-Bed Pose Estimation: Deep Learning with Shallow Dataset

Shuangjun Liu, Yu Yin, and Sarah Ostadabbas
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM), 2019
Abstract arXiv Code Project
More previous publications:
  • Analysis of Multimodal Physiological Signals Within and Across Individuals to Predict Psychological Threat vs. Challenge
  • Aya Khalaf, Mohsen Nabian, Miaolin Fan, Yu Yin, Jolie Wormwood, Erika Siegel, Karen S. Quigley, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Murat Akcakaya, Chun-An Chou, and Sarah Ostadabbas
    Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA), vol. 140, Feb. 2020.
    psyarXiv Abstract
  • An Open-Source Feature Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Peripheral Physiological Data
  • Mohsen Nabian, Yu Yin, Jolie Wormwood, Karen S. Quigley, Lisa F. Barrett, and Sarah Ostadabbas
    IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM), vol. 6, Oct. 2019.
    PDF Abstract Matlab Code


  • Yun Fu, Yu Yin, “Frontal Face Synthesis from Low-Resolution Images.” U.S. Patent Application No. 17/156,204.
  • Yu Yin, Will A. Hutchcroft, Ivaylo Boyadzhiev, Sing Bing Kang, Yujie Li, Pierre Moulon, “Automated Identification And Use Of Building Floor Plan Information.” U.S. Patent Application No. 17/472,527.


  • Teaching Award, Department of Computer and Data Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2024
  • PhD Spotlight, Northeastern University, USA, 2023
  • Women Who Empower Innovator Awards semi-finalists, Northeastern University, USA, 2023
  • CVPR Travel Grant, 2023
  • Dissertation Fellowship, Northeastern University, USA, 2023
  • SIG MM Travel Grant, 2022
  • NSF I-Corps Grant, 2022
  • AAAI Travel Grant, 2020
  • PhD Network Travel Grant, Northeastern University, USA, 2019, 2023
  • Excellent Bachelor Thesis of Wuhan University of Technology, 2016
  • Scholarship of Wuhan University of Technology, 2013, 2014, 2015


  • Journal Reviewer
    • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCyber)
    • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
    • IEEE Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Information Sciences (Elsevier)
  • Program Committee Member
    • CVPR (2020-2024)
    • ECCV (2020, 2022, 2024)
    • ICCV (2021, 2023)
    • NeurIPS (2024)
    • ICLR (2024)
    • ICML (2024)
    • IJCAI (2019-2024)
    • AAAI (2021-2024)
    • ACM MM (2023-2024)
    • ICDM (2022)
    • FG (2021-2024)

Created on 2019/10/01. Last update : 2024/09/25